同志社大学の礼拝堂 設計提案競技応募案

用途:礼拝堂 キリスト教文化センター  所在:京都府京田辺市  計画:2013年2月(選外)  規模:鉄筋コンクリート造 地上1階建 地上2階建  延床:623㎡ 415㎡  構造:坪井宏嗣構造設計事務所


Chapel in Doshisya University Competiton

program:Chapel Center for christian culture  location:Kyoto,Japan  design:February,2013 (out of selection)  structural system:reinforced concrete  stories:1 storie 2 stories  total floor area:623㎡ 415㎡  consultants:Hirotsugu Tsuboi Structural Engineers

A proposal for a competition to design a chapel and Christian cultural center to be built in the Kyotanabe campus of Doshisha University A space suitable for bible-focused worship as a protestant chapel integrated with an adjacent Christian cultural center in which local residents and students can hold various events was required. By planning these two facilities as a set of of arches wrapped in soft light, we were able to propose a building combining an area serving as the religious facility in the university in which a variety of activities can be held with an area offering the tranquility appropriate for a place of worship.