
用途:東京都認証保育所「ぽけっとランド中野坂上」  所在:東京都中野区  竣工:2013年4月  階数:地上2階建  延床:202.61㎡  設備:yamada machinery office  電気:EOS Plus  家具:ラボラトリー株式会社  運営:学校法人三幸学園  施工:戸田リフォーム株式会社  撮影:藤井浩司 株式会社ナカサアンドパートナーズ


Day nursery in Nakanosakaueprogram

program:Day nursery  location:Tokyo,Japan  completion date:April,2013  stories:2 stories  total floor area:202.61㎡  consultants:yamada machinery office,EOS Plus  furniture:laboratory  client:Sanko Gakuen  constructor:TODA REFORM  photo:Koji Fujii Nacasa & Partners Inc.

Interior design for a Tokyo certified nursery school opened in Nakano With a capacity of 40 children aged up to 5, this nursery room is a large studio bathed in soft light throughout the day in which children spend the majority of the daytime. The room, with a ceiling height of 3.6m, is partitioned solely with furniture and is a space in which children can sense one another. The top portion of the individual rooms such as the galley and toilet contain lofts which are envisioned as areas in which to carry out various activities that are difficult to perform in the expansive 1st floor nursery room. As well as housing works created by children and picture books, these lofts with a ceiling height of 1.4m serve as calm, quiet spaces suitable for the care of a small number of children, holding interviews with parents, and as a break area for nursery staff.