甲生のバス停 瀬戸内国際芸術祭2013公募案

用途:バス停  所在:香川県豊島  計画:2012年7月(選外)  規模:土造+木造 一部竹造  敷地:3,000㎡  構造:坪井宏嗣構造設計事務所


Bus stop in small island Setouchi Triennale 2013 competition

program:Bus stop  location:Kagawa,Japan  design:July,2012 (out of selection)  structural system:soil+wood bamboo  site area:3,000㎡  consultants:Hirotsugu Tsuboi Structural Engineers

A proposal for the Setouchi International Art Festival, held once every three years in the Seto Inland Sea islands We proposed a bus stop in the Kou area of Teshima Island, one of the islands on which this festival is held, to be used by the special island bus service that runs during the festival. We borrowed the extensive abandoned farmland facing the street on which the bus passes through and placed tatami mats over the groomed fields to serve as a bus stop. Rather than simply serving as a place in which to wait for the bus, the bus stop in this area which continues the custom of entertaining visitors to the island was intended to serve as a place in which locals and visitors to the island to view works of art could interact.